Definition of kindness
- the quality or state of being kind
- treating people with kindness and respect
- a kind deed : FAVOR
They did me a great kindness. - archaic : AFFECTION
Synonyms for kindness:
benevolence, boon, courtesy, favor, grace, indulgence, mercy, service, turn
“Kindness.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,
Kind Adjective
Definition of kind
- of a sympathetic or helpful nature
- was helped by a kind neighbor
- They were very kind to us.
- of a forbearing nature : GENTLE
- kind treatment of animals
- arising from or characterized by sympathy or forbearance
- a kind act
- a kind smile
- of a kind to give pleasure or relief
- cooled by a kind breeze
- chiefly dialectal : AFFECTIONATE, LOVING
Synonyms & Antonyms for kind
Synonyms: Noun
breed, class, description, feather, genre, ilk, kidney, like, manner, nature, order, sort, species, strain, stripe, type, variety
Synonyms: Adjective
attentive, considerate, solicitous, thoughtful
Antonyms: Adjective
heedless, inconsiderate, thoughtless, unthinking
“Kindness.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,